Benefits of pushback pallet racking

The growth of my contractor has led to expanding our resources and streamlining productivity, and to keep up with demand, it’s necessary to be as organized and efficient as possible.

The contractor now includes a wareapartment to ensure that there is a readily accessible supply of products! It’s pressing to maximize usage of the square footage, then however, simply cramming products inside would make them nearly impossible to retrieve.

There would be the likelihood of harm, however after looking into odd types of pallet racking options, a pushback type system offered the greatest advantages, pushback pallet racking offers high-density storage and contributes to more effective workflow efficiency, lower labor costs and optimum employee safety, and because of my operations need for last-in-first-out (LIFO) inventory management, this particular type is ideal, with LIFO systems, the most recently bought product is the first to be pulled out. This works for my needs because the inventory doesn’t lose value over time, then one of the primary advantages of pushback pallet racking is increased storage density. It allows access to inventory from the front of the rack and provides forklifts easy access to the closest pallet, however reducing inventory access to a single point minimizes the warehouse’s need for additional forklift access aisles. This opens up more storage depth. The pallet racking system I installed is capable of storing five pallets deep. Another asset particular to pushback pallet racking is maximum workflow productivity. Because the system offers direct access to pallets, the time devoted to retrieving inventory is lessened. Pushback pallet racks accommodate loading and unloading pallets via forklifts without entering the lane, increasing the speed of our processes. Inventory retrieval, evaluation and loading are all completed without delay, saving considerable labor costs.

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