Selling my apartment with an overrun backyard

I bet she sees some absolutely terrible conditions of homes

The apartment I bought in Jacksonville was wonderful. Obviously the previous owner was quite the gardener. The yard had all sorts of weird trees growing around in a mini orchard. There were arches with wisteria as well as all sorts of vines. Gardens lined the apartment as well as there was even a rock wall. All of it looked like it belonged in a magazine. I am not a gardener. I don’t possess a yellow thumb. So the moment I moved in, the grass took over. Everything got weeds as well as overgrown. The grass got absolutely tall as well as there was debris all over. The apartment looked like a mess. I tried hiring a grass crew but they only mow. The apartment can be gorgeous, you just need to keep up-to-date with the yard. It was too much for me. I ended up looking for an apartment that has a simple, just mow yard. The issue I had was selling my place. I wasn’t willing to maintain the backyard as well as make it pretty to get the sale. I knew someone just needed to see the potential. I found a moneyed apartment buyer. I got back what I paid for the place. The girl wasn’t scared of trimming, weeding, as well as hedging. The overgrown yard was a minor downside. I bet she sees some absolutely terrible conditions of homes. I was pleasantly surprised that I was getting such a great price point. I Wasn’t going to look the gift horse in the mouth though. I was just happy to get out of that house.


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